Always Wonder
Published on May 31, 2004 By cefalufr In Personal Relationships
Maybe the uncertainy makes me wonder too much, maybe its cuz i really have no one to turn to. I always am the type to come to question things that make me wonder. And I come to question one thing, Love- How true does it come to be? Being deeply in love sometimes can blind your senses, and I wonder if it has blinded mines. Maybe this leash on me has finally reached its length, but one has to sit and wonder. Wonder why this person hardly gets phone calls, but makes them all. I know i may be a hopeless romantic in the end, one whose ideal love life may be too high. Thinking maybe when I actually found it, itll be the best thing to ever happen to me -
Mayhaps I thought too highly of my chosen lover, expected too highly of them and I was met with some disappointment- thinking of everything written and how much I have recieved in return makes me question their feelings, usually lovers arnt afraid to express how they feel, the love they have overwelms them with the emotions to say what they are feeling. At the time they feel it they say it. In the end saying nothing does nothing at all, at least saying something makes somewhat a difference. Waiting two hours for a call back sometimes just makes you wonder how priortized you are in someones life. This is just some of the stuff I come to wonder, as I sit writing songs of love and serenades to the one special one, wondering if they will come to a end. Come to a end when nothing feeds it no more -

on May 31, 2004
Love is a human concept like time, really, when you think about it. It's all about your perceptions. If not, then how do you fall out of love? No, true love is like a tree that offers it's shade to everyone, even the man with an axe to cut it down. I think when you see someone for the way they really are and not the way you want them to be to satisfy your lust or ego or whatever, then you love them. Just my opinion for what it's worth...
on Jun 01, 2004
Feel bad for you man... really do.. i know how it feels, just take care of yourself. my girl left me for her ex, lieing to me she wasnt with him at all, god, wonder how that feels? makes you feel like shit... dont get in my boots man... dont
on Jun 01, 2004
Thks for the comments guys. I think it is more wondering on my part more than an accusation. I still love her, maybe thats why I write, its a love where its so extreme to some point it hurts.. She says she shares it. I trust her, her judgement, and her undying pledges she has made to me. Thks for the comments and the attempted support. I dont plan on her leaving her though anytime soon I'm afraid.. Hehe.
That means I am prolly gonna get tortured for the rest of my life .

Oh well !