A Congrats to A graduating friend
Wellll the infamous TGISF will return to my schedule... What is TGISF? Thank God its sushi friday of course!
. Pack the bags kids, sushi nite is comin!, YAR! lol so ya same place lyke the old days. My Friend just graduated so its a spppecial TGISF! So Congrats to him on his accomplishment also into getting into NYIT! Awesome job man, great shit!
My school semester is coming to a close, but I cant breath easily soon, I set myself up for a double wammy! Classes during the summer and during the fall... back to back classes from 8am - 9:30 pm lol isnt that great!! My life is getting more interesting by the minute. Summer is coming up, meanign summer vacations... Does anyone have anything plans? I am up for any ideas hehe. Thinking and thinking, thinking cheap lol, something fun but inexpensive. Price range 200$, dont wanna go broke ya know? lol.
Well more work to do, hehe. I guesss, god my finals are next week. This is gonna be hella a interesitng weekend also, lol, kinda wierd. Didnt feel like a semster end, feels like its middle. But o well, the warm weather is on its way, all the stresses will go away and new ones takin there place. All I can say is hang in there!! lol
My japanese classes ended also, wondering if I should continue them or self teach myself again. Wasnt too impressed withthe class, basically they just threw vocab at you to memorize and cute sentences to use them in lol. Not cool. they didnt show proper sentence structure or anything, nor did they relate anything to real life, so oh well.
Well yea, more to come lol, cant get carried away talkin about NOTHIN! lol
toomorrow TGISF continues! RAR! lol