cefalufr's Articles In Personal Relationships
May 31, 2004 by cefalufr
Maybe the uncertainy makes me wonder too much, maybe its cuz i really have no one to turn to. I always am the type to come to question things that make me wonder. And I come to question one thing, Love- How true does it come to be? Being deeply in love sometimes can blind your senses, and I wonder if it has blinded mines. Maybe this leash on me has finally reached its length, but one has to sit and wonder. Wonder why this person hardly gets phone calls, but makes them all. I know i may be a h...
June 2, 2004 by cefalufr
life, thin piece of string you hold, keep on holding your end, I shall hold mine, this love based on trust, trust is what love is based on- this is all we have, just like a piece of china, so easily to shatter- With gloved hands I approach, making sure to not drop it by accident, dont let go of the rope.
June 6, 2004 by cefalufr
Why is it that this world seems to be based on hatred more than love. I try, day by day, to find words to describe the things I feel, and I cannot. I cannot bring myself to say what I feel when I do. Doesn't the world feel love. Does it not? Why must my feelings be further surpressed and held back by a slight kiss, or the words I Love You. These things might make things just a bit more romantic, but a bit more aggravating. I look at the person I care for and thoughts fill my mind. Kissi...