cefalufr's Articles In Entertainment
May 29, 2004 by cefalufr
Well the night started all like a slow friday, but soon kicked into high gear. We had the whole crew there tonight, most. we hung out and talked before, and hit the sushi bar at around 9:30. the usual of course, corny jokes, corny friends, and really stupid ones!!! u know who u r! *grits, who the heck bites ppl! seriously? hadda pick matt up from work , he hasnt slept for more than 30 hours! so that was pretty interesting, very interesting lol! well matt wasnt in a partying mood, and i...
June 2, 2004 by cefalufr
This song is very sentimental, has some history along with it that has to do with my life. Sad and good..Thats prolly why this song is my favorite in the entire world.